Enter For Your Chance To Win 1 of 4 Prizes:
Hayward Super Pump VS for Inground Pool

($1699.99 value)
Polaris PCX 864 Robotic Pool Cleaner for Inground Pool

($1399.99 value)
Pool Chemicals for a Season with water test

(Up to $500 value)
Hayward Power Flo II Pump for Above Ground Pool

($359.99 value)
No purchase necessary. Mathematical skill testing question required. Open to residents of Durham Region in Ontario who have attained the age of eighteen (18) at the start of the Contest Period. To enter without signing up for Wonderlist.ca email wonderlistfeedback@thestar.ca with the subject line “Taunton Pools 40th Anniversary Contest”, your full name, email address, telephone number and an original 200 word essay about what type of contest you would like to see in Wonderlist. Please note that each e-mail entry must be accompanied by a unique original essay. Contest opens at 9:00 a.m. ET on May 16, 2023 and closes at 11:59 p.m. ET on May 28, 2023. Limit of one entry per person per day. Odds of winning depend on total number of eligible entries received. Four (4) prizes available to be won, consisting of: (1) one Hayward Super Pump VS for Inground Pool (ARV $1699.99); (2) one Polaris PCX 864 Robotic Pool Cleaner for Inground Pool (ARV $1399.99); (3) one season’s supply of pool cleaning chemicals and an initial water test (up to $500.00 total), (ARV $500.00); or (4) one Hayward Power Flo II Pump for Above Ground Pool (ARV) $359.99). To enter and for complete contest rules visit here.